Thursday, January 27, 2011

Up Yours Residence!!

Get a email from residence, saying go to the Financial Department and get your OSAP. So, I do what the email stated, just bring myself(key word just myself) and go to the financial department. I go to the desk lady and was told her I was picking up my OSAP. She tells me to go sit down and wait. Stating it will only be 15 mins. She totally skipped her estimating time lesson of life because I’ve never waited there less then 30 mins. Sadly, this time I had to wait 45 mins and then I finally get in. When I sit down and tell this depressed man that I am here to pick up my OSAP. I basically get told that I am an idiot for bother ing him and I should of went to the B Building to pick it up. I asked him, do I need anything to pick it up, he says no and go on my way. So, I finally go to the correct spot to pick my OSAP, and I go in there and tell them I am here for my OSAP. Then the guy asks me for my SIN Card. WHAT!! I start thinking, neither the Residence email or depressed worker stated I needed that!!. Than I get laughed(no joke) at by that worker and I leave...what a bunch of assholes.

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